Frequently Asked Questions

What is Venture Capital Investment Trust?
What is Venture Capital?
Which sectors does Zen Venture Capital Investment Trust Inc. invest?
How long does the evaluation process of applications take?
Does Zen Venture Capital Investment Trust Inc. interfere with company management?
Which type of investment expenditures can the capital provided by Zen Venture Capital Investment Trust Inc. be used?
How does Zen Venture Capital Investment Trust Inc. become a partner in the company that will be invest in?
How is company value determined?
How and by whom is the company feasibility prepared?
Are company trade secrets and technologies confidential in partnership negotiations?
When does Zen Venture Capital Investment Trust Inc. plan to exit the investment? What are the exit strategies?
Is Zen Venture Capital Investment Trust Inc. a lending institution?
Which type of investment expenditures can the capital provided by Zen Private Equity Investment Trust Inc. be used?